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Graduate and Family Housing Advisory Committee

Graduate and Family Housing Advisory Committee 

- Charge

This committee is advisory to the Vice-Chancellor/Chief Financial Officer and the Executive Director of Housing, Dining and Hospitality (HDH). It serves as a resource for current and future Graduate and Family Housing (GFH) communities that house UC San Diego single graduate and professional students and student families. Items for committee input will be presented by HDH staff and student co-chairs.

The committee is tasked with providing input on current residential services (e.g., mail, amenities, transportation, security, retail) and programs (e.g., signature events, newsletter content and frequency, community gardens, food trucks); requesting feedback from community membership through town halls (virtual or in-person); and reviewing survey questions and results. Committee members must uphold the UC San Diego Principles of Community and commit to the highest standards of professionalism and accountability.

- Bylaws Link (Click Here)

Committee Members

  • GPSA Graduate Student Co-Chair
  • GFH Staff Co-Chair
  • GEPA Graduate Division Representative
  • GEPA Graduate Coordinator at Large
  • GEPA Graduate Coordinator at Large
  • Student Affairs Coordinator at Large
  • GPSA Graduate Student Representative #1
  • GPSA Graduate Student Representative #2
  • GPSA Graduate Student Representative #3
  • GPSA Graduate Student Representative #4
  • GPSA Graduate Student Representative #5
  • AS Undergraduate Family Student Representative #1
2024 upcoming meetings:

Meetings occur bi-weekly

Wednesday, April 10 at 11am

Wednesday, April 24 at 11am

Wednesday, May 8 at 11am 

Wednesday, May 22 at 11am 

Wednesday, June 5 at 11am

Wednesday, July 3 at 11am


Meeting URL:

Meeting ID:

959 2874 3690

To contact leaders of this committee: (comments & questions)

Charles "Chip" Soulen (GPSA Student Co-Chair) -

Willie Lee II (GFH Staff Co-Chair) -