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We recommend submitting appeals for extensions no more than 120 days prior to your rental agreement end date. All requests for extensions are reviewed based on unique circumstances, layout of the space and its demand in the waitlist, which makes difficult to determine several months in advance. 

Meetings will resume the week of January 15th, 2025.


Submit Appeal Online


Any resident who is unsatisfied with a policy, practice, or decision may submit an online written request for review to the Graduate and Family Housing Appeals Committee.



The Housing, Dining, Hospitality (HDH) Graduate and Family Housing Appeals Committee is charged to provide an avenue for review of extraordinary student circumstances that have resulted in a student seeking exception to policies and procedures outlined in or related to the Housing Contract through the use of an online appeals process.   All meetings are held in closed session for student privacy.


Committee Composition

The committee is chaired by the Student Accounts Manager for HDH (undergraduate housing to remove conflict.)  The Chair is a nonvoting member of the committee.  The Chair has the authority to designate a staff member to serve in their role when absent.  The committee consists of the following voting members: 1 staff member from Basic Needs representing VC Student Affairs, and 2 student representatives appointed by GPSA.  All the committee members will receive training on the on-line appeals process at the beginning of their appointment.   



Students submit their appeal online via the HDH GFH website. Students complete the online form including description of the concern and attaching any supporting documents. The GFH General Manager will review the appeal and either grant the appeal or refer it to the committee for review. Appellant is notified regarding status of their appeal by GFH staff. Committee members review the documents online at their convenience in advance of regularly scheduled meetings. Cases are then formally reviewed in the committee meeting. The committee will make a decision on the case based upon the information available, written policies and procedures, and taking into consideration previous decisions. Committee is required to continue discussion until a majority vote is rendered. The Chair will notify GFH management of results. GFH staff will then follow-up with the student in writing regarding the outcome.


Meeting Times/Dates

Meetings are scheduled by the Chair as needed between Weeks 1-9 during the academic year as and as needed during the summer.  If there are active appeals while UCSD academics are in session, the committee will meet no less than once per month.


If an appeal is received during a time frame when the committee is not meeting, the Chair will ask the student whether they want to hold the case until the next available meeting or request that the case be reviewed by a Housing Committee, which consists of the Chair, + two HDH managers tbd. 


If a committee member is unable to attend the meeting, they are allowed to designate a proxy to attend in their place, as long as the proxy has been trained on all appeal procedures.  The committee member must obtain approval from their designee noted in the composition clause above prior to the meeting before a proxy can be sent in their place.


Additional Information

Once a decision is rendered on an appeal, it is considered final.  The appeal cannot be submitted a second time for review.  A student wishing to provide new information pertaining to their case after a decision has been made, must do so within 10 business days of the original decision, after which time the matter is considered settled.

However, not all circumstances are appealable. Please review the list of circumstances below that may not be appealed.


Eligibility for Campus Housing

Accommodations determined by Office of Students with Disabilities.

  • Appeals notating mental, physical and/or medical challenges should first be reviewed by the Office for Students with Disabilities for potential housing accommodations.

Rental Rates

Matters determined by Grad Division, departments or programs.

  • Ex: Student asked to leave campus by Grad Division via conduct

Matters covered by federal, state, county and local laws.

Matters not specifically pertaining to the student's submission.

Matters of waitlist application priority, expiration, or offer refusal.

  • Ex: Waitlist applicant refuses two regular offers and has their application archived.
  • Ex: Waitlist applicant misses two waitlist updates and application.
  • Ex: Individual wants priority (on the Waitlist) but does not have established priority status.

Resubmission of a similar appeal by the same student under the same rental agreement.

Previous GFH residents who have fulfilled their two-year eligibility and have moved off-campus.

SHORE/Priority status cannot be given retroactively and is only reinstated after moving out of Graduate and Family Housing if on an approved leave of absence when moving out.

Rental Agreement terms:

  • Ex: Damages due to resident negligence/lack of renter’s insurance would be handled by small claims court process.
  • Ex: Building modifications per The Handbook.
  • Ex: Moving out or submitting a Notice of Intent to Vacate with less than 30 days notice. If a resident wants to pursue the monies lost for less than 30-day notice, resident(s) may pursue small claims court to recover their funds.

UCSD Campus issued directives, requirements, and policy.